Shop Today, Smile Tomorrow
Let Every Purchase Pay Down Your Student Loan
Payce Rewards for College Ave allows you to earn cashback and apply it to pay down your student loan.
You control the outcome.

Reimagine Your Everyday Shopping
Payce Rewards for College Ave is a program that helps savvy shoppers like you reach their financial goals.
How? It's Simple
Join Payce Rewards for College Ave and get access to over 10,000+ stores - it's free and easy
We find the deals at your favorite stores, and provide you the links to save
As you earn on our shopping site, we'll automatically apply your cashback to pay down your student loan balance
The Best Online Shopping Deals At Your Fingertips
Shop with us and you can earn cashback that goes towards your College Ave student loan balance – just login to Payce Rewards for College Ave and find your store.

Apply Coupons Automatically At Checkout
Unlock top promo codes and apply the best deals of the web - no time wasted searching!
Watch Your College Ave Balance Go Down
Shopping at Payce for College Ave means dual benefits; you buy the everyday items you need and you're paying down your College Ave student loan balance.